Privacy Policy

The privacy policy describes what the owner of the site, Iryna Igorivna Marchenko, can collect and use information about registered and unregistered visitors, in particular customers, in connection with their access and use of the site

By visiting the site or using the services, you confirm that you have read the privacy policy.

1. What information we collect

De-identified information that does not identify a specific user and is collected automatically when a visitor enters the site. Depersonalized information consists of technical or aggregate information about the use of the site (page views and click sequence, bank cards, sessions of using the site) or information about the user’s device (operating system, browser, screen resolution, language and keyboard settings, source of transition to the site, dates and time).

2. When and how we collect information

When users visit our site, register an account (if applicable), order and use our services, send us emails or chat.

3. Why do we collect information?

To provide services; to develop, adjust and improve the Services based on the experience of using them; provide users with support; send messages about services and advertising messages; prevent fraud; comply with applicable laws and regulations.

4. Where we store information

Personal information of website visitors and customers is stored, processed and stored by the performer in Ukraine. Information received by third parties in accordance with Clause 5 is stored in accordance with the privacy policies of those parties.

5. Storage of information

We retain personal information as long as the account is active (if registered) or we provide services. And we may continue to store it after account deactivation or service termination, as necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve user disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce agreements, or protect our legitimate interests.

6. Changes in policy

We reserve the right to change the privacy policy without prior notice. Unless otherwise specified, the most recent version of the privacy policy applies to all personal information.

7. Security

We protect personal information through secure access to the site and payment for services using the HTTPS protocol and monitoring systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. But we do not guarantee complete security of personal information.