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Some convince us that the best solution for breakfast will be oatmeal, others insist that an omelet made of proteins is a real miracle and salvation from hunger. There is no single opinion on this matter. There is only one point of contact – this is that you should not eat fast carbohydrates for breakfast. […]

In order for the water balance to be normal, not every person needs to consume 2 liters of water per day. The amount of water each of us needs per day is easy to calculate using the formula: 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight (if you weigh 60 kg, then your daily norm […]

An unbalanced diet can be the cause of hair loss, because it does not provide the body with proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy hair growth. Among the vitamins necessary for hair health, B vitamins are the most important, especially biotin (B7). Omega-3 amino acids and vitamin/hormone D are also important. Vitamin D is […]