8/10 women have this deficiency in blood tests
This is iron.
The most informative index of iron is ferritin. It is the MOST sensitive indicator of iron deficiency. If the hemoglobin has dropped, you are late for several months, or maybe even years. Therefore, it often happens that many women and girls look at hemoglobin and think that everything is fine with their iron level.
Why not hemoglobin❓
At the same time, external symptoms of ferritin deficiency occur:
▪️Constipation, poor digestion, bloating, heaviness and weakness after eating, grumbling in the stomach.
▪️ Quick fatigue.
▪️Problems in losing weight.
▪️Skin problems: dryness, cracks on fingertips, pale appearance.
▪️Cracks in the corners of the mouth, “cracks”.
▪️Nails are layered, break easily.
▪️Hair is dull, split, falls out.
▪️Teeth crumble, enamel darkens, caries develops.
Another consequence of iron deficiency is problems with thyroid hormones☝️
The thyroid gland REALLY needs not only iodine, but also iron. If there is a “failure” here, the thyroid gland will also suffer. Therefore, the symptoms are very similar.
❗️ Symptoms are very important for prescribing nutrition and vitamins. But it is necessary to work first of all with the CAUSES, as removing the symptoms with the use of iron alone will not give LONG-TERM results and the situation with health, well-being and appearance will deteriorate over the years.